This page was created and is updated by Sylvain Delplanque.
For any request, comment or if you wish to participate by adding content ⇒ email
I. Courses (Lecture Slides, Handouts, and Podcasts)
- Courses by Professor John J.B. Allen, Ph.D., University of Arizona (2021)
- Webinar by Ph.D. student William Ryan on cardiovascular psychophysiology
- An introduction to physiological measures in psychological research by Dr. Joanne Powell-Greig.
II. Handbook and reference journal
- Handbook of Psychophysiology, 4th Edition (2017), available for UNIGE members at the library and that you can buy here
- Psychophysiological Recording. Stern, R., Ray, W., & Quigley, K.(2000-12-21). : Oxford University Press. here.
- Psychophysiology
- International Journal of Psychophysiology
- Biological Psychology
III. Guidelines by type of measure or phenomenon
- Acceleration, velocity and distance from accelerometers
Application note from BIOPAC that describe how to derive velocity and distance from tri-axial accelerometers
E-handout on accelerometer data filtering and signal to noise ratio
- Cardiovascular measures (ECG, HRV, Impedance, Pulse, Laser Speckle Imaging)
- Electrodermal Activity (EDA)
- Electromyography (EMG)
- Physiological data in high magnetic fields (fMRI)
- Respiration measures (Thoracic/abdominal extension, Nasal Airlow, Airflow temperature)
- Goosebumps measurement
IV. How to choose and what for?
This page provide basic information about which measure to choose and what for!
V. Analysis Software
BIOPAC native software: Acqknowledge for peripheral measures
- For all psychophysiological signals: Ackqnowledge, CISA members, ask to install the software (email).
IMPORTANT NOTE: data recorded with the latest version of the software may not be immediately compatible with older versions (that you may use to analyze the data). If so, you have two options: * save your newly recorded data in older data files format * save your data in MATLAB format (option save as) and open the *.mat with your version of acqknowledge.
How to import Acqknowledge files into Matlab?
* Option 1: Use the "Save As" command in Acqknowledge software ans choose the Matlab format, it creates a structure.
* Option 2: Use the "load_acq.m" function in Matlab
* Option 3: Use the librairies for reading BIOPAC files (Python) at
Matlab toolboxes and other stand-alone software (alphabetic order)
Peripheral measures
- ANSLAB, a software program for state-of-the-art scientific analysis of physiological data in a psychophysiology laboratory. Download the presentation article here.
- Bio-SP, a biosignal-specific toolbox to analyze physiological signals (ECG, EDA, EMG, ICG). Presentation paper.
- PsPM : A matlab suite for Psycho-Physiological Modelling.
- PTB: Psychophysiology Tool Box (PTB) for Matlab.
- PhysioData Toolbox : a standalone MATLAB-based application aimed at creating an easy-to-use graphical environment for visualizing, segmenting and analyzing physiological data
- TEAP is a Matlab/Octave toolbox for emotion analysis using physiological signals (Github).
- WFDB Toolbox for MATLAB and Octave: a collection of functions for reading, writing, and processing physiologic signals and time series in the formats used by PhysioBank databases (among others).
Specific software and toolboxes are available for different measures (EDA, HRV etc). Please visit the corresponding sections for more information.
VI. Video Tutorials (from private companies)
VII. Psychophysiological database
PhysioNet offers free web access to large collections of recorded physiologic signals (PhysioBank) and related open-source software (PhysioToolkit). PhysioBank databases are made available under the ODC Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0.
- MAHNOB-HCI: 30 participants were shown fragments of movies and pictures, while monitoring them with 6 video cameras, a head-worn microphone, an eye gaze tracker, as well as physiological sensors measuring ECG, EEG (32 channels), respiration amplitude, and skin temperature.
EATMINT: multi-modal and multi-user recordings of affect and social behaviors in a collaborative setting. The following signals were recorded for 30 dyads (i.e. 60 participants) : ECG, EDA, blood volume pulse, respiration and skin temperature; eye-movements (eye-tracking), facial expressions, software actions logs;speech signals and transcripts.
DEAP: multimodal dataset for the analysis of human affective states. The electroencephalogram (EEG) and peripheral physiological signals of 32 participants were recorded as each watched 40 one-minute long excerpts of music videos.
RECOLA: database consists of 9.5 hours of audio, visual, and physiological (electrocardiogram, and electrodermal activity) recordings of online dyadic interactions between 46 French speaking participants, who were solving a task in collaboration.
MMDB: multimodal (video, audio, and physiological) recordings of the social and communicative behavior of toddlers.
VIII. Statistics
Sample size calculation at
G*Power, a tool to compute statistical power analyses for many different t tests, F tests, χ2 tests, z tests and some exact tests.
JAMOVI: free and open statistical software to bridge the gap between researcher and statistician
JASP and Learning Statistics with JASP
IX. Brain and Behavior Laboratory equipment FOR PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY
Recording systems
The BBL is fully equipped with different BIOPAC systems
- A MP150 system dedicated to MRI experiments
- A MP150 in the psychophysio Lab
- A MP150 Bionomadix (i.e., wireless) in the Virtual Reality Room
- A MP36 portable system in the seminar room
BIOPAC Hardware and Software Guides contain all the information you need to setup the amplifiers, gain, filters and also how to perform basic and advanced signal analyses. You may also have a look at BIOPAC on youtube
Comparison between BIOPAC system and Empatica watches (performed by Rémi Neveu)
- Electroencephalograpy (EEG) and surface Electromyography (EMG): BIOSEMI
- The BBL is also equipped with an impedance cardiography amplifier.
Presentation Software available in the Psychophysio Lab
- E-Prime, Psychtoolbox and Cogent. PLEASE read this important note
Contact for the Psychophysio Lab
Psychophysiology Representative: Sylvain Delplanque, Tel: (022.37) 90905, email.