
Steps to complete to be authorized to use the BBL facilities


  •  Step 1 : Submit the Project

Researchers who would like to carry out projects in the BBL should submit their requests using this online form on the CIBM website.


In addition, researchers should contact the supervisor(s) in charge of the relevant research module(s).

Submissions also need to include:

  1. A copy of the approval by the Ethics Committee of the relevant faculty (e.g. Medicine/HUG or FAPSE)
  2. For some studies, the Ethics Committee may require a certificate of Good Clinical Practice from one of the principal investigator of the research
  3. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage.


For projects in CIBM/HUG, the investigator should receive confirmation of insurance cover after approval by the ethics committee. :

For projects in the BBL, refer to the BBL Insurance Guidelines (according to the affiliation of the PI) :


For projects using MRI, all documents must be sent by email to the MRI Lab Manager <mriman(at)>.

For projects using Virtual Reality, all documents must be sent by email to the manager of the VR room Emmanuel Badier <emmanuel.badier(at)>


  •  Step 2: Present the Project

After project reception, the proposed research projects are presented and discussed in the joint BBL-CIBM-HNP project meetings, which take place from 15h to 16h, at the Campus Biotech, every first Monday of the month.

For more information, please contact Bruno Bonet <mriman(at)>. Further information available below :

  •  Step 3: Get Access to the BBL

Access to the BBL is restricted to authorised personnel. Whenever you would like to access the BBL to run experiments, you need to have a university badge which is delivered to all employees of the university.


If you have such a badge, send a mail to <mriman(at)> with your PI in cc.

If you do NOT have a university badge, you must have a garantor at the university (typically a professor of the university) and you must fill the following form.

  • You will be prompted to provide the information of your garantor.
  • in the "Structure" field, you must select "Médecine" (and not "Médecine dentaire" otherwise the form will be lost)
  • in the field "Which type of digital services do you need", select "basic access"
  • in the field "Does the person need an e-mail address at UNIGE ?", select "No" even if you already have one (this latter won't be destroyed)
  • in the field "Does the person need a multi-service card to access the buildings ?", tick "Médecine CMU" (and not "Médecine CUMD")

Once you have clicked on "submit the form", your garantor will receive automatically an email for validating your request and the validation will be automatically transfered to the appropriate departement at the university to make your new access card. You will be then contacted directly by the CAD (Centre d'Accueil des Demandes) to make your badge. Once you have your badge, send a mail to <mriman(at)>.


  •  Step 4: Access the BBL Data Center

When using the BBL facilities, we strongly encourage you to use the BBL data center to archive your data. This procedure is even required to access fMRI data.


In order to access the BBL Data Center you must send an email to Christophe Mermoud <christophe.mermoud(at)> (and your PI in cc) with the following information :

  • Study name
  • PI
  • Sessions (how many sessions per participant)
  • Equipment required (MRI, BIOPAC, EEG, EyeTracker, other)
  • Software used for your script (Psychtoolbox, Cogent, Python, E-Prime, other)


  •  Step 5: Book Facilities

Authorised users can book facilities on Calpendo. For that, they need to contact Bruno Bonet <bruno.bonet(at)> to create an account.

Once the project has been accepted and the Calpendo user account created, the project will be added in Calpendo so that the user will be able to book the requested facilities. For creating the project in Calpendo, you should contact Bruno Bonet <mriman(at)>.

Then in Calpendo there is a quick procedure to follow in order to display the ressources (rooms or devices of the BBL) you may need for your experiment.

To stay informed of the latest news, we invite you to subscribe to the mailing lists of the BBL and its different facilities:

Please note that reservations for the MRI lab are subject to the following regulations:

Availability of a radiographer to perform MRI acquisitions is limited. In certain cases, the BBL committee may allow a researcher to receive the training necessary to operate the MRI scanner, as described in the following document:

MRI Safety Video